Supported messages > Trade Services messages > SWIFT – FIN Trade Services

SWIFT – FIN Trade Service messages


Version Message type Description
2008 MT400 Advice of Payment
MT405 Clean Collection
MT410 Acknowledgement
MT412 Advice of Acceptance
MT416 Advice of Non-Payment/Non-Acceptance
MT420 Tracer
MT422 Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions
MT430 Amendment of Instructions
MT450 Cash Letter Credit Advice
MT455 Cash Letter Credit Adjustment Advice
MT456 Advice of Dishonor
MT490 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT491 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT492 Request for Cancellation
MT495 Queries
MT499 Free Format Message
2010 MT400 Advice of Payment
MT405 Clean Collection
MT410 Acknowledgement
MT412 Advice of Acceptance
MT416 Advice of Non-Payment/Non-Acceptance
MT420 Tracer
MT422 Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions
MT430 Amendment of Instructions
MT450 Cash Letter Credit Advice
MT455 Cash Letter Credit Adjustment Advice
MT456 Advice of Dishonor
MT490 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT491 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT492 Request for Cancellation
MT496 Answers
MT498 Proprietary Message
MT499 Free Format Message


Version Message type Description
2008 MT700 Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT701 Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT705 Pre-Advice of a Documentary Credit
MT707 Amendment to a Documentary Credit
MT710 Advice of a Third Bank's Documentary Credit
MT711 Advice of a Third Bank's Documentary Credit
MT720 Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT721 Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT730 Acknowledgement
MT732 Advice of Discharge
MT734 Advice of Refusal
MT740 Authorization to Reimburse
MT742 Reimbursement Claim
MT747 Amendment to an Authorization to Reimburse
MT750 Advice of Discrepancy
MT752 Authorization to Pay, Accept or Negotiate
MT754 Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation
MT756 Advice of Reimbursement or Payment
MT760 Guarantee
MT767 Guarantee Amendment
MT768 Acknowledgement of a Guarantee Message
MT769 Advice of Reduction or Release
MT790 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT791 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT792 Request for Cancellation
MT795 Queries
MT796 Answers
MT798 Proprietary Message
MT799 Free Format Message
2010 MT700 Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT701 Issue of a Documentary Credit
MT705 Pre-Advice of a Documentary Credit
MT707 Amendment to a Documentary Credit
MT710 Advice of a Third Bank's or a Non-Bank's Documentary Credit
MT711 Advice of a Third Bank's or a Non-Bank's Documentary Credit
MT720 Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT721 Transfer of a Documentary Credit
MT730 Acknowledgement
MT732 Advice of Discharge
MT734 Advice of Refusal
MT740 Authorization to Reimburse
MT742 Reimbursement Claim
MT747 Amendment to an Authorization to Reimburse
MT750 Advice of Discrepancy
MT752 Authorization to Pay, Accept or Negotiate
MT754 Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation
MT756 Advice of Reimbursement or Payment
MT760 Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit
MT767 Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit Amendment
MT768 Acknowledgement of a Guarantee / Standby Message
MT769 Advice of Reduction or Release
MT790 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT791 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT792 Request for Cancellation
MT795 Queries
MT796 Answers
MT798 Proprietary Message
MT799 Free Format Message